
Showing posts from November, 2022

DiAnn's Recipe for Thanksgiving Dressing

  Happy Thanksgiving! As the holiday approaches next week, shared is a scan in DiAnn's distinctive handwriting on how she approached from-scratch dressing at Thanksgiving, which was regularly at the Decorah Fire Station after she married Gary given his shift schedule.  The recipe reads: Dressing To shorten cooking time, cut in small pieces the gizzard and heart. To improve the flavor, add the neck, back, etc., but that's unnecessary. Remove from bone and dice small for dressing. Add only onion, salt, pepper  & bread broken up by hand. Use the broth from cooking the meat, plus some of the juice from the roaster for the moistening part, leaving it quite juicy.  Put it in a larger container or roaster than you think is needed as it bubbles during baking. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.